     a.3.  Non-"space-qualified" "focal plane arrays", as follows:
           	N.B.:  Silicon and other material based 'microbolometer' non"space-qualified" 
"focal plane arrays" are only specified in 6A002.a.3.f

Technical Notes: 
     			1.     Linear or two-dimensional multi-element detector arrays 
are referred to as "focal plane arrays".
     			2.     For the purposes of 6A002.a.3. 'cross scan direction' is defined as the
  axis parallel to the linear array of detector elements and the 'scan direction'
is defined as the axis perpendicular to the linear array of detector elements.
    		 Note 1: 6A002.a.3 includes photoconductive arrays and photovoltaic arrays.
     		 Note 2:  6A002.a.3 does not control:
         	 	a.  Multi-element (not to exceed 16 elements) encapsulated photoconductive cells
using either lead sulphide or lead selenide;
          		b.  Pyroelectric detectors using any of the following:
               		b.1.  Triglycine sulphate and variants;
               		b.2.  Lead-lanthanum-zirconium titanate and variants;
              		b.3.  Lithium tantalate;
              		b.4.  Polyvinylidene fluoride and variants; or
                	b.5.  Strontium barium niobate and variants.

          a.3.a.  Non-"space-qualified" "focal plane arrays", having all of the following:
               a.3.a.1.  Individual elements with a peak response within the wavelength 
range exceeding 900 nm but not exceeding 1,050 nm; and 
               a.3.a.2.  A response "time constant" of less than 0.5 ns;

          a.3.b.  Non-"space-qualified" "focal plane arrays", having all of the following:
               a.3.b.1.  Individual elements with a peak response in the wavelength range 
exceeding 1,050 nm but not exceeding 1,200 nm; and
               a.3.b.2.  A response "time constant" of 95 ns or less;

          a.3.c.     Non-"space-qualified" non-linear (2-dimensional) "focal plane arrays", 
having individual elements with a peak response in the wavelength range
exceeding 1,200 nm but not exceeding 30,000 nm;
                     N.B.:  Silicon and other material based 'microbolometer' non"space-qualified" 
"focal plane arrays" are only specified in 6A002.a.3.f.

          a.3.d. Non-"space-qualified" linear (1-dimensional) 
"focal plane arrays", having all of the following:
               a.3.d.1.  Individual elements with a peak response in the wavelength range 
exceeding 1,200 nm but not exceeding 2,500 nm; and
               a.3.d.2.  Any of the following :
                    a.3.d.2.a.  A ratio of scan direction dimension of the detector 
element to the cross-scan direction dimension of the detector element of
less than 3.8; or
                    a.3.d.2.b.  Signal processing in the element (SPRITE);
               a.3.e.  Non-"space-qualified" linear (1-dimensional) "focal plane arrays",  having individual 
elements with a peak response in the wavelength range exceeding 2,500 nm but not
exceeding 30,000 nm.
               a.3.f.  Non-"space-qualified" non-linear (2-dimensional) infrared "focal plane arrays" based 
on 'microbolometer' material having individual elements with an unfiltered response in
the wavelength range equal to or
exceeding 8,000nm but not exceeding 14,000 nm.
          		Technical Notes:   
         		 1.  For the purposes of 6A002.a.3.f. 'microbolometer' is defined as a thermal imaging detector that, 
as a result of a temperature change in the detector caused by the absorption of infrared radiation,
is used to generate any usable signal.
          		 2.  Non- imaging thermal detectors are not controlled by 6A002.a.3.  Imaging thermal detectors are a 
multi-element array of thermal detectors with the capacity to form a visual, electronic or other
representation of an object with sufficient fidelity to enable understanding of its shape or other
spatial characteristics, such as height, width, or area.  A multi-element array of thermal detectors
without the capacity to form spatial representation of an object is non-imaging.
          		  3.  6A002.a.3.f captures all non-"space-qualified" non-linear (2-dimensional) infrared "focal plane arrays" 
based on microbolometer material having individual elements with any unfiltered response between
8,000 nm and 14,000 nm.