Landscape Hyper with  Sparse Depth
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nine inch base landscape

This was the result of a rig using twin 3.2 M Vivitars on a nine inch base.  I never did really like the cameras themselves (fuzzy, weird colors, auto- shutoff, & ate batteries).  However, it did produce a few good shots.  While I was browsing through I found this one that had only a little bit of difference between the right and left images in spite of the "wide base".  It took close examination of the image to understand what I captured and then to remember how it was made.  Some people will clearly object to this image for a variety of reasons.  But to me, it is now a remembrance of another afternoon hiking where the clouds skim over the ridgetops.  But it is not a mystery as to why the there is apparent depth in this shot dispite the distance of the objects.

It is likely that software like Stereo Photo Maker would be required to examine these and know the reason.

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